Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

Bekicot Bisa Jadi Bahan Baku Pakan Ternak


Bekicot atau bahasa populernya disebut keong mas, yang selama ini hanya dianggap sebagai hama penyerang tanaman padi, ternyata sangat cocok untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai salah satu bahan baku alternatif untuk pembuatan pakan ternak. "Selama ini bekicot atau biasa dikenal sebagai siput murbei kadang menjadi musuh petani karena tanaman itu kadang merusak batang padi tanaman. Padahal, bila dikelola dengan baik justru memberi nilai tambah karena cocok untuk pembuatan pakan ternak," kata dosen Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara, Dr La Panga, di Kendari, Minggu (19/10). Menurut La Panga, bekicot yang banyak dijumpai di lahan persawahan atau pada tanaman yang cukup basah mengandung protein yang cukup tinggi, sekitar 44-46,2 persen. Daging hewan bekicot itu bisa digunakan sebagai pengganti tepung ikan dan kulitnya bisa menjadi pengganti tepung tulang. Selama ini Indonesia masih mengimpor bahan baku pakan, seperti tepung ikan dan tepung tulang, yang mencapai ratusan ribu ton dalam setahun. "Saya yakin, dengan pemanfaatan pakan ternak dari bekicot ini akan bisa membantu petani dalam peningkatan pendapatan mereka di luar hasil produksi yang mereka peroleh setiap musim tanam," katanya. Bahkan, berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari beberapa perguruan tinggi negeri maupun swasta terhadap tambahan makanan ternak ayam broiler dari campuran bekicot yang sudah diolah secara manual, menunjukkan peningkatan bobot ayam tersebut. Ia menambahkan, bila bekicot itu dikelola dengan baik, potensinya dapat dioptimalkan dalam suatu sistem usaha tani yang terintegrasi sehingga akan menghasilkan pendapatan petani, baik dari peningkatan produktivitas tanaman dan ternak ataupun efisiensi usaha tani.bnj Sumber : Antara

Senin, 16 Februari 2009

Jagung (Zea mays L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman pangan dunia yang terpenting, selain gandum dan padi. Sebagai sumber karbohidrat utama di Amerika Tengah dan Selatan, jagung juga menjadi alternatif sumber pangan di Amerika Serikat. Penduduk beberapa daerah di Indonesia (misalnya di Madura dan Nusa Tenggara) juga menggunakan jagung sebagai pangan pokok. Selain sebagai sumber karbohidrat, jagung juga ditanam sebagai pakan ternak (hijauan maupun tongkolnya), diambil minyaknya (dari biji), dibuat tepung (dari biji, dikenal dengan istilah tepung jagung atau maizena), dan bahan baku industri (dari tepung biji dan tepung tongkolnya). Tongkol jagung kaya akan pentosa, yang dipakai sebagai bahan baku pembuatan furfural. Jagung yang telah direkayasa genetika juga sekarang ditanam sebagai penghasil bahan farmasi.
GANDUM (Triticum spp.) adalah sejenis tanaman yang kaya akan karbohidrat. Gandum biasanya digunakan untuk memproduksi tepung terigu, pakan ternak, ataupun difermentasi untuk menghasilkan alkohol.

Minggu, 15 Februari 2009


Best Source of Calcium Supplement - Coral CalciumBy John Gibb
Coral calcium is gaining widespread popularity nowadays. But what it really is and why is it termed as the best source of calcium supplement? Let’s find out.
Coral calcium is essentially calcium carbonate, a naturally occurring source of calcium carbonate which also contains traces of many other minerals. This type of calcium carbonate is obtained from fossilized coral reefs above sea level in an environmentally friendly manner. Because of this reason, it is free from impurities and provides up to 40% of elementary calcium which can be readily absorbed by the blood stream.
Many companies are using coral calcium to manufacture high quality calcium supplements. These supplements or tablets are effective and provide many long-term health benefits including treatment of depression, PMS, kidney stones, muscle cramps and joint pains. They are also used to overcome severe calcium deficiency and to prevent osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease and colon cancer.
Because of the above-mentioned reasons, coral calcium is termed as the best source of calcium supplement. People who have used these supplements have given positive feedback and are completely satisfied with their performance in terms of curing calcium deficiency and providing other benefits.
Among all sources of coral calcium, the one found in Okinawa island of Japan is termed as the most useful source. Okinawa produces marine grade coral calcium, highly pure form of this salt which is now being used in many supplement products. It has a higher absorption and bioavailability rate and also reduces stomach acidity. In addition to this, Okinawan coral calcium contains other minerals, especially magnesium, in just the right quantity.
For people who are already calcium deficient, it is recommended that they start taking vitamin D supplements in addition to good-quality calcium supplements. To find the best source of calcium supplement, do a little research of your own and read user reviews about different supplement products online.
Usually a supplement product which also contains some other minerals and vitamins in addition to a calcium salt are the best ones to buy. They not only help in proper calcium absorption but also provide some of their own benefits in terms of treatment of diseases and nutrient deficiency in the body.
Normally 3-4 tablets a day, 1 after each meal is sufficient to fulfill daily calcium needs. However, calcium deficient people may want to increase this dosage according to the severity of their condition.
For optimal bone and joint health, we have been using a special natural calcium formula and for good reason, this formula is known as Bone Protect. We have personally been using this formula for over 3 years with excellent health results.
You can learn more about our product of choice and why we use this product above all other calcium formulas at optimal bone health
John Gibb is the manager of a series health websites. His latest addition discusses the calcium formula himself and the editors consume. For more information on calcium, coral calcium, and bone health as a whole, be sure to check out
Article Source:
Land Snail Serum as an Acne Keloid Natural Treatment

There has been recent research recorded (Jan 2008) claiming that the secretions produced by a land snail have skin regeneration properties, as well as contain many antioxidant properties. This study has been published by a Spanish Dermatology journal. This serum produced has also been proven to reduce scar formation. Products have already hit the market containing the snail serum as their active ingredient.
A "keloid" is a raised scar that extends beyond the size of the original wound. They are caused by excessive skin formation. This is caused by the overproduction of collagen due to some traumatic experience your skin has experienced such as a severe case of acne, dermabrasion, chemicals, and laser treatments. This is what we call the wound healing process going bad. The result is the formation of abnormal scars (keloids). These scars may or may not last for years and may or may not be grouped together.
The land snail serum acts to stimulate an orderly repair of the damaged skin cells and quickly replaces them due to its regenerative properties. It removes excess scar tissues, as well as provides a deep moisturization of the skin. It maintains the balance of growth between the connective tissue cells and the skin cells. If the connective tissue cells are growing too fast then a large abnormal scar is formed. So the land snail serum maintains proper balance in the reformation of the cells and the result is a small scar.
If you are maligned with keloids, perhaps you should seek out an acne keloid natural treatment product such as the products that contain land snail serum.
For more information on acne scar treatment visit an acne treatment website such as
Article Source:

Rabu, 04 Februari 2009


Dr Roel Mulder, the new Secretary of WPSA
Roel Mulder (62), The Netherlands, studied chemistry at Delft University of Technology and obtained his PhD at the National Agricultural University in Wageningen, The Netherlands. He then worked in several different positions (last position as acting director) at the Spelderholt Centre for Poultry Research, Beekbergen, before he took up the position of Manager International, Research and Public Affairs for ID-Lelystad and the Agricultural Research Organisation at Wageningen. He also spent 3 years in Brussels, Belgium, at the European Commission Directorate General Research, COST Agriculture and Biotechnology. After that he started his own consulting business in 2002.
For WPSA, Dr. Mulder has been active since the 1980’s, when he was involved in organising several symposia for working groups of the European Federation of WPSA. In 1992, he served as the chairman of the scientific committee of for the World’s Poultry Congress that was held in Amsterdam. In recent years he has served as assistant secretary and director of communications for WPSA.
In his new position he expects to work closely with the Board of Directors, and to continue to give WPSA more visibility and exposure at conferences and exhibitions. Together with Piet Simons he will work to maintain and promote new Journal sponsorships. He will also continue to build good relations with industry and other professional personnel and organisations.
E-mail Dr Roel Mulder:

Selasa, 03 Februari 2009


Marketing to Your Customer Types by Corte Swearingen
Many small business owners make the mistake of marketing to everyone with the same product or service. By developing specific products for various customer stages, you will be able to convert more prospects to first-time buyers and more first-time buyers to repeat customers.
Here is a brief look at the various customer types and suggestions on the best way to market to them
SuspectsSuspects are people you think might be interested in one or more of your product/service offerings. A suspect has not established any contact whatsoever with your company. You're goal is to get these suspect customer types to raise their hand and give you permission to market to them.
There is really only a single goal for marketing to suspects - convert them to prospects. The best way to do this is to offer them free information that helps them solve a business problem. If they accept this offer of free information, you have just converted them from a suspect to a prospect. By actively requesting this information, they telling you that they are interested in what you have to offer.
So, whether you have a product or a service, you need to start brainstorming ways you can provide free information to your suspects. In addition, you also need to find an easy way for your suspects to respond. If your suspects have to jump through hoops in order to request your free report, many will simply ignore you.
ProspectsA prospect has made some sort of communication with your company. Maybe they signed up for your newsletter or called your company to ask a question. At this point, they have made some type of inquiry but HAVE NOT made a purchase. Your goal is to get your prospect customer types to make an initial purchase.
Once a suspect becomes a prospect, you will have the confidence to begin marketing your products and services in earnest. The key here to create an introductory offer that has a low enough price point that the prospect feels they have nothing to lose in trying it out. This offer must only be given to prospects and not regular customers because it needs to represent a substantial savings off the normal product/service price. The point here is to provide something of value for a price that is almost too good to pass up.
It is important that your prospects understand that this is a special one/time introductory price so that they may test your product or service with low investment on their part.
First-Time CustomerYour number one goal for first-time customers is to get them to purchase something a second time. With these customer types, the barrier is much lower now that they have made their first purchase commitment but that doesn't mean there isn't work to do. Ask any company the percentage of customers that purchase a single time and never make a second purchase. I guarantee that percentage will be fairly high.
You must find additional ways to provide higher end value to first-time customer types so that they continue to do business with you. You must find a way to create special package or service offers that cater to them. This could include special membership offerings, products and services from strategic partners, or upscale premium services that are not offered to anyone else.
Repeat CustomersOnce a customer makes that leap into multi-buyer territory, the goal is not only to retain their business, but to move them up to more expensive products and services. Repeat customers are your most valuable group.
Once someone has made multiple purchases from you, your job is to entice them with high profitability products and services. This means you need to create a portfolio of product and service offerings that will appeal to these multi-buyer customer types. Here are some suggestions.
1. Add accessories to a product. See if there are ways of adding additional product add-ons or related items. This is a great way to continue adding value after the initial sale.
2. Attach a special service. Many companies find they can make large profits by attaching a service to a product either with the initial sale or afterward. This could take the form of special in-house training programs, maintenance contracts, or even consulting services.
3. Offer bundled packages. See if there is a way for you to bundle products, accessories and services in a fixed-price package. These larger packages can be extremely profitable and you will be marketing them to your multi-buyers. When you come up with a package, make sure to give it a great name and market that name on your website and sales materials.
In summary, you must create low-entry products and services for your suspects and prospects and higher value offerings for your customers. Offering discounts to repeat customers is not the best
As a final word, let me say that if you can find ways of creating additional value for your multi-buyers, you will be able to sell them high ticket items at high margins. You have built up confidence and trust with your repeat customers so there is no reason to offer steep discounts. Sell them your valuable products and services at full price!
If you would like more information on this topic, please visit Marketing to Your Customer Types.
About the Author
Corte Swearingen is the creator of the Integral Marketing System™ and CEO of SmallBiz Marketing Tips. He holds a degree in physics and mathematics from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign.